Hart’s Heart
Grounded, strong, brave, daring whimsy despite the cliff's edge...

For three decades, I’ve shared my artwork at festivals, conventions, and on the streets of New Orleans, to humans of every shade, shape, age, gender, and religion, visiting from every corner of the globe.

I did the math. I’ve met about 400,000 people. So I’ve learned a LOT about them.

The most important thing I’ve learned is that everyone has much more in common than you might think.

Soul Owning
Demons are born from those who control us when we’re young. But those who capture the power of their demons discover that they are the source of our strength, determination, and individuality as we move through the world.


TetherWolf Gate
Her wolves guard and love her, but she has turned her back on their protection, almost ready to fly…

There is safety in sharing secrets with a stranger, and those drawn to my paintings unfurl their hearts in my hands like bloody chrysanthemums. This is gratifying, surreal, and sometimes discomforting.

When I’m lucky, a parade comes down the street, or someone serenades me on a ukulele, or fifty guys dressed like Elvis roll by on scooters.

When I’m unlucky, a dog pees on my print racks.

New Orleans is like that.

Thanks for stopping by.
I hope something here sings to you.